Program committee

Aishwarya GanesanUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and VMware Research
Alexander MerrittUnaffiliated
André BrinkmannJohannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Andreas HaeberlenUniversity of Pennsylvania / Roblox
Andrew QuinnUniversity of California, Santa Cruz
Ang ChenRice University
Animesh TrivediVU Amsterdam
Annette BieniusaUniversity of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Anton BurtsevUniversity of Utah
Antonio BarbalaceThe University of Edinburgh
Anuj KaliaMicrosoft
Arif MerchantGoogle
Ashraf MahgoubPurdue University
Avani WildaniCloudflare Research, Emory University
Baptiste LepersThe University of Sydney
Bernard WongUniversity of Waterloo
Bianca Schroeder chairUniversity of Toronto
Boris KöpfAzure Research, Microsoft
Cheng LiUniversity of Science and Technology of China
Chia-Che TsaiTexas A&M University
Chris HawblitzelMicrosoft Research
Cristina Nita-RotaruNortheastern University
Daehyeok KimThe University of Texas at Austin
Dan WilliamsVirginia Tech
Daniel S. BergerMicrosoft Azure, University of Washington, CMU
David CockETH Zurich
Deepak NarayananNVIDIA
Divya MahajanGeorgia Institute of Technology
Eiko YonekiUniversity of Cambridge
Eleanor BirrellPomona College
Emmett WitchelUT Austin
Ethan MillerPure Storage / University of California, Santa Cruz
Evangelia KalyvianakiUniversity of Cambridge
Felix LinUniversity of Virginia
Feng ChenLouisiana State University
Gerd ZellwegerFeldera
Guilherme CoxNVIDIA
H. Howie HuangThe George Washington University
Haggai EranNVIDIA
Harsha V. MadhyasthaUniversity of Southern California
Heming CuiUniversity of Hong Kong
Hongyi WangCMU
Ibrahim Umit AkgunGoogle
Indranil GuptaUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Iqbal MohomedSamsung AI Centre Toronto
James BornholtUniversity of Texas at Austin
James BottomleyIBM
Ji-Yong ShinNortheastern University
Jia-Ju BaiBeihang University
Jian HuangUIUC
Jiayi MengUniversity of Texas at Arlington
Jiri SchindlerIonQ
john wilkesGoogle
Jon CrowcroftUniversity of Cambridge
Jongsoo ParkMeta
Junchen JiangUniversity of Chicago
Kang ChenTsinghua University
Ken BirmanCornell University
Khanh NguyenTexas A&M University
Laurent BindschaedlerMPI-SWS
Lin ZhongYale University
Linhai SongPennsylvania State University
Liuba ShriraBrandeis University
Lluís VilanovaImperial College London
Lorenzo AlvisiCornell University
Luis RodriguesINESC-ID, IST, ULisboa
Lydia Y. ChenTU Delft
Malte SchwarzkopfBrown University
Manuel CostaAzure Research, Microsoft
Marc ShapiroSorbonne-Université–LIP6 & Inria
Marco CaniniKAUST
Marcos K. AguileraVMware Research Group
Maria Carpen-AmarieHuawei Research
Marios KogiasImperial College London & Azure Research
Mark Silberstein chairTechnion
Marko VukolicConsensusLab
Martin MaasGoogle
Matteo InterlandiMicrosoft
Meni OrenbachNVIDIA
Michael KozuchIndependent
Michio HondaUniversity of Edinburgh
Miguel MatosIST U. Lisboa & INESC-ID
Mike MesnierIntel Labs
Ming WuShanghai Tree-Graph Blockchain Research Institute
Minsoo RhuKAIST
Naama Ben-DavidVMware Research
Neeraja J. YadwadkarUT Austin and VMware Research
Nils AsmussenBarkhausen Institut
Nuno PreguicaUniversidade Nova de Lisboa
Onur MutluETH Zurich
Panos KalnisKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Paolo CostaMicrosoft Research
Pascal FelberUniversity of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Patrick StuediMeta
Pedro FonsecaPurdue University
Pierre OlivierThe University of Manchester
Pierre SutraTélécom SudParis
Pramod BhatotiaTechnical University of Munich
Qizhen ZhangUniversity of Toronto
Ramnatthan AlagappanUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and VMware Research
Redha GouicemRWTH Aachen University
Reto AchermannUniversity of British Columbia
Ric WheelerIonQ
Richard MortierUniversity of Cambridge
Roberto PalmieriLehigh University
Rodrigo BrunoINESC-ID, IST, ULisboa
Rodrigo RodriguesInstituto Superior Técnico (ULisboa) / INESC-ID
Rong ChenShanghai Jiao Tong University
Ronghui GuColumbia University
Rüdiger KapitzaFriedrich-Alexander-Universität
Samer Al-KiswanyUniversity of Waterloo
Samuel KingUC Davis
Sanidhya KashyapEPFL
Sara BouchenakINSA Lyon
Saurabh BagchiPurdue University
Saurabh KadekodiGoogle
Shadi NoghabiMicrosoft Research
Shai BergmanTechnion
Shivaram VenkataramanUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Somali ChaterjiPurdue University
Swami SundararamanIBM Research
Tanvir Ahmed KhanColumbia University
Thaleia Dimitra DoudaliIMDEA Software Institute
Tianyin XuUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tianzheng WangSimon Fraser University
Timothy WoodGeorge Washington University
Tyler HuntKatana Graph
Umesh DeshpandeIBM Research - Almaden
Vasily TarasovIBM Research
Vishal ShrivastavPurdue University
Wen XiaHarbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Wenguang ChenTsinghua University
Wenjun HuYale University
Y. Charlie HuPurdue University
Yang WangMeta/The Ohio State University
Yossi GiladHebrew University of Jerusalem
Youngjin KwonKAIST
Yu HuaHuazhong University of Science and Technology
Yubin XiaShanghai Jiao Tong University
Zili MengHKUST
Zsolt IstvánTU Darmstadt